4 Ways To Identify a Good Online Business Idea with Traction

While most people already know the kind of business they want to run online, many entrepreneurs don’t know which lucrative market niche to venture into. There are many ways to decide on this. Here are some ideas on how you can find a niche online.

Build An Authority Via Social Media

close up photography of smartphone icons

Most of the successful personal brands online was built on social media and blogging. First, they chose a niche around what they loved. They then built a following by sharing relatable content with their followers on the niche.

This meant that whoever followed them on social media and blog loved what they shared. And due to overwhelming support, they proceeded to sell their products and services to their followers. Most of them get opportunities to endorse brands from what they do.

It doesn’t stop here, one has to use this opportunity to up their game and build a legitimate business.

4 Ways To Identify A Good Online Business Idea Without Chasing Clout

Offering Freelancing Services

While I started my business online way earlier before I joined the freelancing platforms, what inspired me to take my business online is the online freelancing platforms. I offered my services as a freelance video producer. My experience thought me that there was a demand for screencast video production services.

If I had not offered my services as a freelancer, I could not have learnt how to niche down.

Experimenting With Your Passion

What do you love doing? Can you do it even without getting any pay? For any idea to become a business, it has to be adding value and impacting people positively. E.g writing about farming, drinking or creating videos about you cooking, doing exercise every morning e.t.c.

Start a free blog on WordPress or blogger and share your lessons. Alternatively, you can share it with your followers on social media and get feedback.

With the feedback, you will be motivated to build a business around your idea.

Taking An Existing Business Online

In Kenya, many of the big successful businesses are offline. This is because it was founded and built that way. They are directly in contact with their customers. They employ the traditional networks in operating their business.

Having a successful business offline is good. It’s sustainable so long as one offers good customers service. With this said, there is more advantage to being in both offline and online marketplace. People across Kenya and across the world can find your business and buy from you.

student cheating during an exam

The only way to join the online marketplace, is by setting up your business online presence. Do you have an offline business with products that can be sold online and shipped? Think about it and take advantage of the online marketplace opportunity.

Once you have you have your idea ready, you can now start your online business.

Read more on How to Start An Online Business In Kenya

And if you need professional video production services, you can request a quote here.

And until next time, bye bye and take care.

Follow me on twitter @cheptiony.

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2 responses to “4 Ways To Identify a Good Online Business Idea with Traction”

  1. […] If you haven’t, read 4 Ways To Identify a Good Online Business Idea with Traction. […]

  2. […] aware of your latest services, products, plans or see you announce changes you are making on your business online, will they have a different view of your brand or business? Of course they will and a positive one […]

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