Is your Client Asking you to Rush a Project/Contract? Hold on, Here is How to Make More From It

Any freelancer with proven track record will tell you that they regularly get requests from both past and new clients to work on a project within a very short timeline-in fact, it\’s the client who sets the timeline.

When this happens, the client will offer to pay you more to complete the project. But not all of these clients will mention this when making their request, and if you are naive, you will accept the project and charge them your regular rates.

As, someone experienced, you should not do this. Instead, you need to negotiate for more. It\’s your time to cash in on your experience. By the client choosing to contact you, it means they trust you and your service.

Now, how do you start the pitch for more? Well, you need to be a very organised person and smart. Here are a few tips to approach it.

Base Your Extra Fee on Delivery Timeline 

If it\’s a client whom you have worked with in the past, they are well aware of your timelines based on your order. For example, if you usually deliver a video within 5 days and your client have placed an order and wants the same in 2 days, then, you should start your negotiations here. Tell them you appreciate the offer. Then now tell them how you work on such orders. 

Don\’t Sound Like Someone in \’Dry Spell\’

Not all months are same. I agree. There are some which are good while others are not. Before replying that e-mail request, calm down, sober up and be as professional as you can even if you are free. Your client already know that you are a busy person. Be someone who works on schedule. That way, your client will be like \’Can you pause other projects and do mine first.\’ 

Give Them a Reasonable Fee for Fast Delivery

Now, if the client proposes an amount from the start of his/her request, use that to initiate your negotiation. If they don\’t, then give them your price. For a returning client 30-50% is a good extra amount to charge. For a new client. You might have to change your strategy. Say, something like \’\’I usually double the price for fast delivery, but since you are a new client, I will charge you only 50% more. 

Show Your Client that You Know What You are Doing 

If you know what you are doing, you will ask your client the right questions. In turn, your client will close the deal fast. The questions you ask will help you collect  the right information you need to complete the project.

If are not properly organised, or you negotiation strategy is not in order, you client will hesitate to hire you.

Note that, you client is ready to spend. You only need to give them a reason to.

And that is it from today.

If you need professional help on video, let me know by sending me an e-mail on

Till next time, bye and take care.

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