The Art of Hiring The Right Online Freelancer Fast As A First Timer

Hiring the right freelancer as a first timer for your next project calls for experience in the online marketplace. Shockingly, most online marketers makes the process sound like its a walk in the park. Well, it may be so, if you have a combined background in human resource😐 and online marketplace.

With this said, one must be ready to learn the new way as it is completely different from the traditional path.

Moreover, the process changes all the time but once you are in the loop, maneuvering through the changes will be very easy.

In this blog post, I will be covering the art of hiring a freelancer online faster.

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Identify a Trusted Freelance Marketplace

There are many online freelance marketplaces today. What differentiates is their business model. Also, some have all the skills in their databases while others specializes in a specific niche. E.g writing, transcriptions, video editing e.t.c

When scouting for a freelancer marketplace, look at your present and future needs. Apart from the skill that you need to hire for right now, ask yourself, will I need other skills in the future as your business grows? This way, you will be able to narrow down your search.

I recommend signing up on at least two freelance marketplaces with different business models. For instance, some freelancing platforms will require you to post a job and let freelancers send proposals. In others, you will just search for offers on a certain skill and pick a freelance based on their price and ratings from their past completed contracts.

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Sign Up And Verify Your Payment Method As Needed

Verification of your account is important for any new client signing up on any freelancing platform. Over the past few years, there has been a rise on malicious accounts being set up by scammers posing as clients only to end up disappearing with Freelancers completed work. Verifying your account will guarantee you protection. Also, when you post a job, it will be displayed to the right freelancers out there for them to send their proposals.

Read Also 5 Reasons You Should Hire Freelancers For Long Term

Be Brief and To The Point When You Post a Job-Use The Right Keywords

Everyday, hundreds of jobs are posted by different clients online on popular freelancing platforms. To stand out and get more proposals from freelancers, it’s important to be brief and to the point. Reserve other details to later during the interview once you have shortlisted the right candidate.

If you are searching for gigs or offers by different freelancers in a given platform, use the right keywords. For instance, video production has many other sub-categories. So if you are look for say Screencast video editor, use this exact keywords and you will only see freelancers offering screencast video services.

Learn more on How to Sift Through Many Applications When Hiring a Freelancer

Communication is Key

Once you have shortlisted freelancers, prioritize Freelancers who communicate promptly over everything. This is going by the fact that Freelancers are based in different parts of the world. You can hire anyone so long they communicate promptly and addresses your needs in a clear manner.

Ask them critical things that you value during the interview like their working hours, how they want milestones broken down, their proposed timelines over the timelines you propose to them e.t.c. This is key. Once, you find a freelancer who their response and communication satisfy you, hire them.

Dare to Negotiate

Negotiation should come last. Don’t be shy to ask if the freelancer you choose will be willing to give you a discount along the way if you work with them for a long term. Its ok if they refuse to give you a discount. Just go ahead and hire them.

It’s important to note that freelancers appreciate when you assign them high value projects and work with them for long term. They will be more open and confident in working on your project besides giving you more value for your money along the way.

Allow Them to Share Some of The Work They Complete On Their Social Media or Blog

Freelancers will be happy to post your business on social media or blog after you have worked with them for a while and still guarantee them more work in future. This in a long term will result in great partnership and friendship.


The art of hiring freelancers online is evolutionary. Once you set your foot here, maneuvering through is be easy. The most important thing is to stay positive. At the initial stages, the process will be costly, but in a long run, you will recoup your losses so long as you are persistent. So, Stay focused always.

Finally, I will like to know; have you hired freelancers online? Which is favorite freelancer marketplace? Share your response in the comments section below.

And if you need help to create and produce professsional screencast video tutorials for your software, website or app, you can request a quote for free here.

For feedback or recommendations regarding to this blogpost, you can contact me here.

Until next time, bye bye and take care.

Follow here on WordPress @cheptiony and on twitter @cheptiony


7 responses to “The Art of Hiring The Right Online Freelancer Fast As A First Timer”

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