3 Ways To Reinforce Your Creativity During Difficult Times

People in the creative economy depend on their original ideas and knowledge to thrive. During hard economic times, one can easily get discouraged from continuing to do what they love. If you enjoy doing what you do, then you have no reason to give up.

Hard times should be a time to reinforce your creativity and move it to a new level. Spend your time creating more as better times are always ahead.

In this blogpost, I will share with you 3 ways to reinforce your creativity during difficult times.

Invest Your Time in Writing A Journal/Blog

Look at your current life state and draw your inspiration from it on what to write on. For example, I am writing this blogpost at a time when I have less work that pays. What I am writing here is what I am practicing right now. Writing anything useful that comes to my mind on my blog is what I have been doing for as long as I can remember.

It is important to dwell on positive things as opposed to negative ones. Every person who has succeeded in life confess that they found success the moment they dwelled on the positive things in life.

Focus on ways to create abundance and internalize it for your own benefit. When you do so, you will surely be preparing yourself for abundance and at the right time, you will receive it.

Try New Creative Things in Your Business or Freelancing

Every day ideas for your business or freelance career comes to mind. The hard part is introducing the ‘new’ ideas to your business and trying them out.

Take advantage of difficult times to experiment on those Ideas and see if they work. You never know, the ideas you have had in your mind for a long time might turn out to be the beginning of your success in business.

Think of Partnering With Established Individuals/Companies

During difficult times, money is scarce. Many at times, entrepreneurs and freelancers run out of money. On the other hand, many may have good ideas but lack financing to push the ideas forward.

How about reaching out to an established company in your field and seeking their help to push your idea forward to fruition? Does it sound difficult for you to pursue? Everything is worth trying in life. Make sure you are well prepared when approaching these partners.

If you pitch your idea well and it resonates well with their policy, then, they may consider working with you.


Don’t let difficult times kill your creativity or talent. Keep it alive by finding a way out for yourself. Identify best avenues that you can use to connect with the world. When you do so without ceasing, you will be enhancing your creativity in preparation for your next big break.

And that is it from me here.

Did you find this post helpful? let me know your thoughts in the comments section below.

And if you need help with content creation do not hesitate to reach out to me here. I might be of big help.

Until next time, bye bye and take care.

Follow me on twitter @cheptiony.