Commonly Overlooked Elements That Make Videos Look Professional And Pleasing To Watch

There are many elements that makes up a video. While each one of them is important, there are those that are basic. Basic elements are the ones that makes a video presentation look professional and pleasing to watch.

In todays fast paced world, one must be able to match the industry production standards in order to compete. If you learn to include the elements I am going to discuss on this blogpost on your videos, they are going to stand out.

Before I begin sharing with you what these elements are, I will like point out why people create videos today.

When you scroll through different content on Youtube you will notice that many people create videos for different reasons e.g as a hobby, selling, marketing, teaching, entertainment, e.t.c.

If you are a beginner, it is important to know the kind of video elements to use for different type of videos.

With this said, let’s now get right into the elements that will make your videos pleasing to watch. I will put them in two categories namely;

  • Reusable Elements
  • Non-reusable Elements
Watch Video- 8 Things To Add To Your Video And Make It Pleasing To Watch

Reusable Elements

Reusable elements are designs that you create once and can later be modified and reused again and again.

Animated Intro/Outro

This is your brand identity or that of your business. For companies, animated intro video is usually a logo and a tagline. The impact of it depends on the way animation is done. Simple animation still works well today.

When working on animated intros and outros, consider including your address and contact information in it. For example, in my vlogs intro, I have a logo with my domain. This is because I want people to visit my blog. The intro is only 3 seconds.

Animated Video Intro For Cheptiony

Lower Thirds Templates

Video Lower Thirds

If you are a seasoned video editor, you know what lower thirds is. The latest versions of video editing software’s come with ready made collection of lower thirds.

Lower thirds is the title design that appears below the video and has the name and tittle of the person appearing. You can include social media handles of that person.

Quotes And Long Form Text Templates

If you are a vlogger like me and produces videos on a regular basis, you will need to have a reusable template for quotes and long form text. For instance, if you are quoting something or someone in your videos, you can use this tittle template. You only change the text and maybe the color if necessary.

Also, if there is something that you are emphasizing on your videos, you can use this template.

Animated List Template

Animated list template comes in handy when you are sharing a number of things in form of a list. It’s good when the items appear one by one.

When you have a template for it, things will be easy for you. You will be only changing text and adjusting time.

Title Templates

Premade tittle templates work in many areas of a video. Mostly, title template are used when talking about a subtopic in a video. Create one that reflects the theme of your brand.

When you have a collection of tittle templates, your editing will easy and seamless as you will only be changing the text each time you use it.

Non-Reusable Elements

Video Subtitles .

Video subtitles

Video subtitles are very relevant today. For example, if you are posting your content on YouTube, that video will be watched by different people including the deaf. Having subtitles will help them follow and understand what you are saying.

Also, some people who find it hard to grasp what you are saying because of the accent, can follow your videos using subtitles. Having subtitles is a professional way of presenting your content today.

Video Thumbnail

For a video to attract attention of online users and make them click, video thumbnail is necessary.

While you can have a thumbnail template that can be re-used, a new thumbnail design for every new video is good.

Video Credits

Professionally, its necessary to have credits on your videos. Credits are the list of names of people and brands who played different major roles in your entire production. It can appear anywhere in the video.

Many vloggers don’t have this on their videos-me included😃- because they think that no one will notice or care to go through the list of credits. But credits are very important.

It make your content rich and professional.

If someone considers hiring you, they can do that confidently knowing that you have a team behind.

And that is it from me here.

I know there are many more.

Which ones did I miss to mention? Let me know by sharing your thoughts in the comments section below.

And if you need professional video production services, do not hesitate to contact us.

You can request a free quote here.

Until next time, bye bye and take care.

Follow me on twitter @cheptiony.

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