How We successfully Launched a Kenyan Made Sauce Product After Covid Pandemic

When the pandemic hit, many businesses struggled to survive. But for Daniel Mwaniki, an event organizer and co-founder of Golden Chef Limited, it was an opportunity to innovate and diversify. He and his team developed and launched their own line of sauce products, using their culinary skills and creativity.

The sauces were a hit, and soon they expanded to other products, such as spices, marinades and onion garlic paste. Now, Golden Chef Limited is not only a successful event company, but also a thriving food brand that caters to different tastes and preferences.

“We first started off delivering precooked samosas to homes. We were delivering it with a small sauce we made.”

Our Sauce Products

Daniel and his brother saw their home delivery service expand as more people wanted their sauce. That was when they decided to develop their own line of sauce product and get it to the market. But first, they went to Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS) to get their sauce certified.

“We had to go to KEBS to standardize our product. We came up with products known as Sweet and Sour Chilli, Sweet and Sour Dip, Barbecue Dip and Barbecue Chilli. Also, products coming up is Onion Chilli Garlic and Onion Garlic paste.” Says Daniel.

Aside owning a line of sauce products, Golden Chef company also offers outside catering services and events organizing. Just after Covid lockdown in the year 2020, Daniel teamed up with his brother to start the business.

“My brother is a chef, and I am an events organizer. We started by doing home deliveries. We came up with various packages for weekends. One could get a package of full chicken, potato chops, burgers, a bottle of wine delivered to them”

Golden Chef Growth

It’s now 3 years since they started their business and so far there is a lot of growth, there is so much progress. “Since we started, we have acquired our own equipment for hire. We hire out kitchen equipment’s. We have chaffing dishes, Sufurias, plates and we can cater for up to 500 people comfortably.” he quips.

Daniel says one of the biggest challenges they are experiencing is delivery.

“The challenge we are having right now is delivering our products. We are looking for people who can partner with us in delivering our sauces. We are grateful to God because covid was a blessing in disguise to us.  We were lost, confused but God came through for us. We started off with home food delivery services and now we are growing and doing events.”

Message to Aspiring Entrepreneurs

Daniel encourages all aspiring and existing entrepreneurs to take a leap and put their product idea in into existence. He says that the market space is enough for everyone.

Daniel Mwaniki- Golden Chef Limited
Watch Full Interview

While Golden Chef has grown over time, marketing remains a challenge to their growth. “Some people haven’t familiarized with our products. That’s what we are working towards it every day.”

He encourages Kenyans to buy Kenyan products and promote local businesspeople and thus grow the economy.

Take Customer Feedback Positively

As Daniel concludes, he encourages everyone in business to take feedback positively and use it to improve on their products and services.

“We are open for feedback and criticism. If it’s a good thing, just tell us, we are open to anything.”

If you are interested in Golden Chef’s products, you can reach out to them on all social media network @GoldenChef_Ke.   

I hope you found this article insightful. What are your thoughts?

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Do you have a inspiring entrepreneurial story like the one of Daniel from Golden Chef? please send me a message on our contacts page here. I will be happy to come and tell your story.

Until next time, bye bye and take care.

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