Tag: kenya
6 Websites To Find Tenders And Consultancy Opportunities Online in Kenya
Are you a business owner or consultant in Kenya looking for new opportunities? Finding and applying for tenders and consultancy projects can be a game-changer for your growth.
4 Things I Think You Should Know About Receiving Google AdSense PIN in Kenya
In This video, I will share with you 4 things I think you need to know about receiving Google Adsense PIN in Kenya. If you need help to produce professional video tutorials, you can reach out to me here. Follow me on social media @cheptionymutai
Boma Yangu Website Review- Affordable Housing Program in Kenya
In this video, I review Boma yangu website managed by the ministry of lands in Kenya. I walk you through the process of acquiring a unit under Affordable Housing Program and how much deposit to make before you are allocated a unit, how a 3 bedroom floor plan looks like e.t.c. If you need help…
Employer Registration With SHA (Social Health Authority)
In this video, I will share with you the requirements and process of registration with SHA as an employer. If you need help to produce professional screencast videos, you can contact me here. Follow me on social media @cheptionymutai.
Adding Dependents to Your SHA Account on Afyayangu
In this video, I show you the steps to adding dependents to your SHA on Afyangu. If you need professional help to produce video tutorials, reach out to me here. Follow me on social media @cheptionymutai
The Freelancer’s Guide To Building A Sustainable Business In 2024: 2 Key Strategies
If you are a freelancer, you have some benefits that can help you create a lasting online business, unlike someone who has a regular job. For example, freelancers can decide their own schedule. They work when they want. This gives them the opportunity to take care of their businesses.
2 Mandatory Returns Every Business Owner in Kenya Needs to File Annually Online
Follow me on social Media X – www.x.com/cheptionymutai Linkedin- www.linkedin.com/in/cheptionymutai Youtube: www.youtube.com/@cheptionymutai Thanks for watching the video!
How To Replace Your National ID in Kenya And The Cost – Step By Step Guide
In this video, I will share with you the process of getting Your Lost National ID and its cost in Kenya.