4 Pillars To Building Trust From Scratch Online As a Freelancer

A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.

Chinese Proverb

This is a common saying that originated from a Chinese proverb and it applies in our every day life. If you are starting to build up your online Freelancing business, you are making your first ‘single step‘ towards success.

Overnight successes don’t last so you should avoid at all cost the temptations to fall into it.

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This blog-post is written for people who are interested in building a long lasting reputation online. Before you read further, I am assuming that you have considered the following things before launching your business online.

  • Niche – The marketplace you are going to target online. You have to be very specific. i.e Photography – Photo editing and design
  • Expertise – It should be something that is giving value to people. Also it has to be something that you enjoy doing. This way, you will be able to make it better everyday without anyone pushing you to do so.
  • Consistency – You are in a position to provide consistent services to your audiences/customers. Also, being prepared to do it for as long as you live.

These are key things you have to look into before launching your business online. It’s important, because once you are on, challenges will be there that will make you want to give up. With that said, lets now get into the first Pillar.

Own the Skills You Are Selling

You must first own the skills that you are selling by showing. Do a video trailer that highlights your services. Publish the best samples of your work online. Let people see that you have the skills they are looking for. Let your samples show that you truly understand the industry you are in. This way, you will have made the first impression.

Share a Short Description of Yourself or Team with a Nice Photo

Most people will overlook this but the impact it has is beyond what you can imagine. While people will love to hear about your hobbies, take time to think about how you will want them to connect with you. Let your profile description lean on your expertise and experience. It should contain at least 10% of your personal life.

Prospective customers are most interested in knowing the founder and less interested in knowing about your team. If the prospect is a big enterprise, then they may be interested in your team as a display of your capability.

Sharing this also demonstrates that you are a proud owner of the business you are running. Be happy and excited about it.

Communication Style – Be Professional

Let’s say someone stumbles upon your website. They find what you sharing is interesting. They makes an inquiry about the services that you offer.They write their inquiry in a non-professional way. Their inquiry carries a clear message. Will you toss that mail onto the trash folder and imagine that they are not serious?

With spammers getting clever day by day, you should take time to look into their mail inquiry more closely. Is the mail encrypted? Does it have the lock icon? Grey or green lock icon indicates that the mail source is secure. Also, the e-mail address should be from a real domain with an existing website.

If upon checking on the mail, you find that the features are there, don’t hesitate, reply to the e-mail. In your reply, address the sender by his/her name. Then clearly address their need. Use simple language and let it sound you are a human. Let them feel you. Your reply will inspire them to take you seriously.

Write Regular Blog-post About Your Niche

Posting a video trailer or some product demos of your work and details about your business is not enough. To ensure that your website remains optimized and up to date, you have to build consistent traffic. You can only do this by writing regular blog-posts and sharing the posts on social media to generate back-links. Also do short video highlights and share them on YouTube to generate back-links.

With time, your organic traffic with surge and you will be getting more inquiries and comments on the blog-posts you publish. This is the art of building trust online. There is no need to rush if you are already enjoying what you are doing.

And that’s it. Apply these and you will be on the right path to building your online reputation as a Freelancer.

Thanks for reading through the post.

If you need help to create professional screen-cast video tutorials for your website, mobile application or software, let me know here.

Until next time, bye bye and take care.

Follow me on twitter @cheptiony


6 responses to “4 Pillars To Building Trust From Scratch Online As a Freelancer”

  1. […] with low price – Focus on newbie freelancers who have the skills and are looking to build their profile. Help them by hiring. Give them feedback that will help perfect their skills. This way, you will be […]

  2. […] you are consistent in what you do, everyone around will trust you. It’s effect is […]

  3. […] you are consistent in what you do, everyone around will trust you. It’s effect is […]

  4. […] Get Hired on Trust. Start Building Trust From Scratch Online As a Freelancer With This 4 Pillars […]

  5. […] Get Hired on Trust. Start Building Trust From Scratch Online As a Freelancer With This 4 Pillars […]

  6. […] on newbie freelancers who have the skills and are looking to build their profile. Help them by hiring. Give them feedback that will help perfect their skills. This way, you will be […]

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