Examples of Technical Video Production Services You Can Provide Online

There is a growing demand for technical video production services online. Both small and big organizations are now seeing the value of Technical Video Production Services and are seeking services of experienced contractors. This is a sign of hope to many freelancers in the gig economy who can plug in to these opportunities.

Photo by Lisa Fotios on Pexels.com

So what does technical video production entail? Well, it’s a broad subject. In a layman’s language, it’s more of the provision of ‘technical‘ services and production of ‘tech‘ related videos.

Before I go further on this blogpost, I will like you to keep in mind that the kind of technical video production services I will be discussing here is online based.

#1 Providing Technical Video Services

Small and big organizations with many employees today carry out most of their trainings online in order to save on costs. On the other hand, event organizers are now exploring the option of ‘paid livestreams’ to the events they organize.

Technical Video Services

In order to achieve the best results in these trainings and live events or perhaps in premiering pre-recorded webinars; proper planning is needed to ensure everything goes on well as planned.

This is where the services of a contractor or persons well versed with live video streaming technology is needed.

#2 Offering Overall Design And Look Services

For an event/training to look professional and be effective, it’s overall look and design has to stand out. As a service provider, you are required to consult and provide designs for the overall look of the event.

Here you will be working closely with a professional graphic designer and the client team. In this case, skills of an interior designer may be needed if the event is being live streamed.

#3 Production Of Tech Related Videos

Owing to competition in the online market place and the requirement for software developers to be certified by authorities, it’s recommended for any software or hardware tech product to have a written instructional manual on how to use it. Having such instructions is good for marketing purposes. Here are some of the services you can provide as a Tech video producer.

black and gray motherboard
Photo by Athena on Pexels.com

#3.1 Instructional Video Production

You can find work in a software development company to produce Instructional Videos or How to Screencast Videos. You job will be to translate written instructional manual into videos with the help of a voice over narration.

This can be done using existing written instructional manuals or software documentations. Depending on the complexity of the product, some may need that you rewrite the scripts using simple language and produce the videos in 2D or 3D modelled designs.

Additionally, instructional video production may require you to seek services of a script writer, voice over artist and a screencast video editor.

#3.2 Tech Products/Website Video Reviews

This is basically reviewing different tech products like phone, computers, laptops, USB’s, earphones e.t.c. In this, you review a product and share your view on what you think of the product after using it. Mostly, companies use this for marketing purposes as well as research and development.

On the other hand, you may be asked to review web services like web hosting, VPN‘s and more.

This are just few among the many opportunities that the online marketplace presents.


There is growing demand for Technical video production services online. It’s therefore up to you as a freelancer or an entrepreneur to spot and pursue them. I suggest that you build a nice portfolio that you can showcase to your potential clients online. Having a website that people can visit and see your work will be great.

With this said, I will like to urge you to press on and be on the lookout for these opportunities.

I hope you found this blogpost helpful, scroll down and share your feedback. I will be happy to read.

And if you are looking for Technical Video Production Services, you can request a quote on our studio here. We will get right back to you as soon as we can.

Until next time, bye bye and take care.

Follow me on twitter @cheptiony.


One response to “Examples of Technical Video Production Services You Can Provide Online”

  1. […] you are hired as a producer or your business is contracted to offer Technical video production services, you can create several short term contracts to other freelancers in the creative […]

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