If you are a client, the only way you can make a difference in a Freelancers life is hiring with a view of working with them for long term. It’s obvious, by the time you decide to hire, you have already done your due diligence and made sure that they have all that it takes to complete the job at hand.

Unlike traditional way of hiring people where someone signs a contract for a given period of time- Freelance hiring terms are different. For you to succeed in hiring a freelancers to work for you, look at hiring for long term.

But not every newbie client looks at it this way. Why? because, they have the liberty to hire and fire anytime. Also, you can opt to hire one on one-time fixed contract.

I mean, even if you are working on a same project over and over again-you still have the freedom to end the contract after completion of a milestone and hire someone else to do the same job without any problem. In some occasions, the reason behind the decision may be valid.

So how is this problem anyway? Well, initially it isn’t. Its fun doing so. It feels good to work with people from different countries and see what they offer. But as you go on, that excitement to ‘hire‘ someone new starts to fade. This is contributed by a number of reasons.

In this blog-post I will be exploring long term unforeseen issues that will arise as a result of inconsistency in working with an individual freelancer.

Watch video- 5 Reasons You Should Hire Freelancers For Long Term

Broken Communication

Sometimes, when you post a job, you get only one qualified freelancer. You may not have a problem during the interview process and you end up a hiring him/her.

Mark you, when doing this, you already have 2 or 3 qualified freelancers in your contacts whom you had hired to work for you in the past and they did a perfect job.

Now, when the deadline is due, the freelancer stops communicating and ghosts you for weeks. This is quite disappointing. While you may have the liberty to re-post the job and get new applicants, the project at hand may not be any useful depending on its intended purpose.

Assuming you had consistently worked with one freelancer from day one, you could have been in a position to predict his behavior and find a resolve before the deadline reaches.

Repeatedly Explaining What Your Expectations Are

Unless you were disappointed by the first freelancer you hired, there is no point in hiring a new freelancer to do a similar job for you. Its wise to consult the first freelancer on if they can do the job at hand as well as their availability.

Its more easier to work with a freelancer you had worked with before. You will take very little time explaining to them what to do as well as what you expect from them.

Room to Negotiate on Charges

While there is a probability of finding a new freelancer with a lower bid anytime you post a job on a freelancing platform, the quality and guarantees you get will vary.

In this day and age, prices go along with quality. If your requirements are high and the amount you are willing to pay is low, only entry level freelancers will apply.

This may lead to wasting a lot of time hiring and re-hiring with the hope of saving money only to end up loosing more.

But when you repeatedly hire the same freelancer for the same skills- at some point – after several contracts, you will be able to negotiate for a discount.

Sense of Security

When a freelancer is assured of consistent work , they will give your project their all. Your project will be on top of their priority list. They will worry less.

They will stop taking in new work because what you are offering to them takes care of their bills.

Their life will eventually change because they will have time to think of investing their earnings. At the end, it’s not about the pay, its about what it does to their lifes.

It feels good when you know that the job you are offering is helping someone live a life of their dreams.

Consistency Means Trust

When you are consistent in what you do, everyone around will trust you. It’s effect is symbiotic.

The freelancer will trust you and you will trust them. If you are connecting with the freelancer through a gig platform, the platform will love you more.

These are 5 reason you should hire a freelancer for a long term. I hope you learned something from this post.

If you need help to edit videos or produce professional video content, let me know here.

Until next time, take care. Follow me on all the social media networks @cheptionymutai

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