The Evolution Of Video Content Production-From DV to Cards to Now Cloud Storage

The Evolution Of Video Content Production-From DV to Cards to Now Cloud Storage

Having been in the video production business for now 14 years, I have seen the industry evolve . I started offering video production services while I was in my first year in college back in the year 2008. My first productions then was for Vernacular music videos in South Rift. The experience really helped me polish my skills in video shooting, video editing and directing. In many occasions, I was playing all the video production roles including marketing the content.

Boost Your Business: 3 Reasons Video Editors Lose Clients (and How to Fix Them)

Boost Your Business: 3 Reasons Video Editors Lose Clients (and How to Fix Them)

Video editing becomes a delightful experience when one becomes adept at maneuvering through different editing software with proficiency. For those passionate about video editing, there’s an endless stream of innovative concepts to explore and apply to your projects.

However, a common issue among video editors is a deficiency in ethics. Many prioritize their compensation over other essential business values, which undermines the integrity of a professional partnership.

How AI Has Helped Reduce The Time & Cost of  Video Creation Today

How AI Has Helped Reduce The Time & Cost of Video Creation Today

Previously, producing video content such as animations, illustrations, or standard videos required a significant investment of time and resources. Accessing a comprehensive library of images and videos was just the beginning. Additional expenses often included hiring voice actors for narration, sourcing background music, and employing illustrators to craft the desired 2D and 3D visuals, among other costs.

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