In this article, I am going to share with 3 Tools you need to have to qualify as remote video editor working from home. stay tuned.

1. Laptop/Desktop Computer

Video editing requires a computer with high processing speed and a graphics card. The later does not matter much if your computer processor speed and Ram is good. For example, my computer is a COi5 Windows OS with 10GB Ram and handles video editing very well.
If you can get COi7 for the windows OS the better. Most computers and laptops with high specs comes packaged well with good RAM. For mac users, all I can say is you are good to go. Most recent Mac machines have good built in graphics card and processor. This means if you can afford to get a Mac machine, you are ready to get started.


2. Video Editing Software

You need video editing software for editing videos. There are many video editing softwares out there. However few of them are popularly used professionaly. Popular professionaly used video editing softwares are Adobe premiere pro, Camtasia studio, Final cut pro, Davinci and Avid media composer.
When getting into video editing, its good to have one thing in mind, all of the video editors are out to achieve one goal- edit and enhance the quality of the video. Once you learn how to use one video editor, it will be easy to use other video editors since they have closely similar layouts.
If you have never edited video before, you learn how to edit videos on YouTube.

3. Earphones/Headphones

Good earphones or headphones are very necessary as they help with speeding up the editing process. System speakers are sometimes inaudible and destructs people around you. You can work anytime anywhere with your earphones on without destructing anyone. Look for quality earphones for this purpose. 

4. Good Internet

With all these tools I have listed above, you are now qualified and ready to start work as a remote video editor. Get good internet connection and start looking for work online. The work you get can be freelance or Remote job. Look for them depending on where you are located.
And that is it. Good luck my friend as you get into the remote workspace.

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