Producers who have been in the industry long enough, will agree with what I am about to share with you today in this blog post.

Video production has evolved over time. When I started as a producer back in the year 2010, I only knew videography and video editing.

After sometime, I chose to specialize in video editing. Having worked as video editor for more than 5 years, I have leant that video editing is even more advanced than I thought.

With that said, market demands that you be good at one thing.

In this blog post, I share with you how to make more money by breaking down video editing and production components and offering each one of them as an independent service. 

Video Script Writing

When people started producing web videos, they rarely relied on a script. They just opened their video editing software and started creating the video based on a hand sketched concept/storyboard.

With more and more people taking their business online, web video production is now a serious business.

Online entrepreneurs are willing to hire a professional script writer to help them write their video script. Most video producers don’t believe they can do it and as a result, they end up loosing business because of it.

If you are creative enough to produce a captivating video, then, you are also creative enough to write the same script. You just need to believe you can do it.

So, the next time a client asks you;

how much do you charge to write a video script? 

Don’t hesitate but rather set a price and start writing it. This goes along with a storyboard.

I see people charging up to $250 for a script that they can write in an hour once the idea is clear to them.

Supplying Professional Voice Over as a Part of The Package

Clients will love you more if you can go an extra mile and provide a professional voice over. Find ways that you can get the voice cheaply from freelancers and have your client pay more it.

This a great way to make more money.

Also, voice over artists are willing to collaborate with you if they know you are a video producer and they will be receiving regular orders from you.

You can make between $5-50 per voice over based on where you get the voice.

Providing Subtitling Service for YouTube and other Video Hosting Services

I recently learnt this. More and more clients are in need of Subtitling service. It can be for a movie or video intended to be viewed in a different language. YouTube has integrated Google translate on their video player so that you can watch a video in any language.

Depending on who you work with, Subtitling pays between $5-10 per minute of the subtitled video.  So it’s a good stream of income that you can create for yourself. 

Editing Video in Different Pixels/Dimensions

Social platforms requires that you edit and upload a video with specific settings. For example YouTube recommends video aspect ratio of 16:9 while Instagram require a  square video, i.e 720×720 pixels. 

This is a good way to make more money from  a single video.

You can charge between $10-100 per video depending on your clients budget and video duration.

Designing a Colorful YouTube Thumbnail

Every video producer know how to use graphic design software’s like Adobe Photoshop  or Adobe illustrator. You can propose to design a nice custom thumbnail for your client and charge them $5-50 per thumbnail. The rates you charge is up to you. If you haven’t done this before, here is the best way to get started.

Go on Google and search for term ‘video thumbnails’ and choose images from the search menu. This is purely for your inspiration.

When ready, start designing the thumbnails and make your extra cash.

There are many other things you can do to make more money as a online video producer in 2019.

If you have any other additional idea, don’t hesitate to share in the comments below.

Till next time, bye bye and take care.

If you need help to create and produce professional screen-cast video tutorials, let me know here.

You can follow me on all social media networks @cheptionymutai

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