In this tutorial, I will show you step by step, how to close a registered business in Kenya online.

Step 1

go to and click on login. Enter your national ID number and password. If you don’t have an account, click on sign up.

login or sign up on Ecitizen portal using your National ID and password

Step 2

Once you are logged in, click on business Registration Service(BRS). A new page will open with list of businesses you want have registered on the portal.

Select Business Registration Service on Ecitizen portal

Step 3

Click on view under the actions row to the right on the business you want to close.

Click view under the actions row as per the screenshot here

Step 4

On the new window, click on maintain a company.

Click on Maintain a Company

Step 5

Click on make application and select ‘Cessation to close.’

Click on make application and select 'Cessation to close.'

Step 6

On the new screen, select the reason for cessation and upload a copy of registration certificate. Click save and continue.

Select the reason for cessation and upload a copy of registration certificate

Step 7

Download, sign and upload BN6 form. Click save and continue when done.

Download, sign and upload BN6 form

Step 8

You will receive a one time password on the phone number you have registered with on the portal here. Enter and click verify.

Verify the one time password you receive on your phone

Step 9

Review your information and check the box below to confirm the information you have provided is correct. Click finish.

Step 10

Closing your business will cost Ksh.250. Pay and confirm.

Pay Ksh.250 via Mpesa or bank for the processing the application.

Step 11

You will be taken to this screen with links to download payment receipt. Also, you will see the status of your application is review.

See your application status and download receipt of your payment.

And that is it. You have successfully closed your registered business online. Once the review process is complete, your business will be closed.

I hope you found this tutorial helpful. Let me know your thoughts in the comments section below.

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Until next time, bye bye and take care.

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