Many freelancers leave money on the table because they are not able to handle additional tasks proposed to them by their existing clients. Reason? Most of them are worried that they will fail to deliver because they lack the desired skills to do the job. Moreover, they are afraid to hire their fellow freelancers to do the job.

But if you think of this and look at it with an entrepreneurial mindset, nothing is impossible. Its just up to the Freelancer to negotiate good terms with the client then find a skilled freelancer providing the service to do the job.

So how do you do this without violating the terms of your Freelance service provider ? Well first, you need to read and understand the terms of service for each site you are in. The good news is, you can hire and work at the same time using one freelancing account.

You are free to choose the platform to hire the freelancer. With this said, here are four important things to look at when evaluating the right site to hire on.

Business model of the Freelancing site

Currently, there are many online freelancing sites out there. The most common ones which have been in the market for a long time are Upwork, Fiverr, Peopleperhour, Freelancer and guru. All of them share a common goal but their business models differ making each one of them stand out in their way. Almost every freelancer is enrolled in 2 or more of these sites. Take your time to analyze and evaluate a popular site that you like.

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Modes of payment

The payment method is how you will pay the freelancer you hire. Payment methods vary from country to country. Identifying a site that accepts payments through the method that you use is very important. Also, it will take you less time to verify it.

Payment protection

Ensure that the site offers escrow services so that you can pay the freelancer when you are happy with the delivery. Payment protection goes beyond escrow. When you release the payment, the site holds it for up to 5 days before the freelancer can withdraw it to their bank.

Customer service

Their customer service needs to be good and available during working hours from Monday to Friday. This way, when you need them they will be there to help.

With this information at your fingertips, it will be easier to negotiate for a good rate. Here are the steps to take in order to smoothly hire someone else to do the job and make a profit from it.

NOTE: Someone you have worked for already have trust in you based on the work you delivered to them. It means that whichever price you quote to them will be acceptable. Take time to break down your budget and make it easy for them to assign you the work.

Examine the project requirements first from the client

See if the project needs breaking it down into portions and assigning different freelancers to complete it. Reach out to freelancers and find out their rates. Use their pricing to provide cost estimates to the client. Include your fees for managing the project which at the end will be your profit.

Always go for the best freelancer with low price

Focus on newbie freelancers who have the skills and are looking to build their profile. Help them by hiring. Give them feedback that will help perfect their skills. This way, you will be helping to better the freelancing community while making money at the same time.

Ask for a down payment to facilitate the hiring

This only works if you have a good relationship with the client who is assigning you the project. Just explain to them why you need the payment and be honest.

Put yourself in the shoe of a client

Don’t let the freelancer you hire have a feeling that you are a freelancer also. Be keen and demand for the best. Also thoroughly review the work they submit before sharing it with your client.

Learn from your first hiring experience

Perfect your hiring based on your first experience. With time, you will find that its easy to juggle between the two positions -as a freelancer and client.

If you follow these tips, your experience hiring a fellow freelancer will be fruitful. Share any additional tips if you have in the comments are below.

That’s all from me today.

If you need help to create and produce professional screen-cast video tutorials for software’s and apps let me know here.

Until next time, bye bye and take care.

Follow me on all the social media networks @cheptionymutai

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