Like photography, anyone can do a screen cast video- all they need to have is a computer installed with a screen-casting software and headphones with a microphone to record their voice-Period! 

So, how can you make this a business if anyone can do it? Who will pay for a such service? 

Well, here is a little secret, the companies which develops and distributes screencasting software’s uses the keywords-easy to use and anyone can use– as their marketing hook. Many of those who have purchased and used any of the screen-casting software are surprised with what follows after they have recorded the screens that they needed with narration.

They realize more is needed in terms of editing. e.g sections where there was some silence or where the is uhmms and uhs. Besides, some sections need to be highlighted and zoomed in. In other occasions the audio may need some cleaning up to reduce the background noise.

This thus means, the user has to spend more time learning how to edit their recordings. This is besides other things like ‘sharing settings.’ At the end of the day, if he/she is a busy executive, he will have to spend a lot of time perfecting the video. This is not good when it comes to productivity. 

With this awareness, you are able to begin your research on this niche to identify and segment target clients/markets for yourself. For example, SaaS businesses with high customer volume will prefer to hire a freelancer to help them handle their screen-casting projects in response Frequently Asked Questions by their customers.

Here are 5 tips to help you start and build a successful business in screen-casting; 

Do a Research On Areas Where Screen-casting is Used

This may sound simple. Writing this down will surprise you even more. You will realize that the market is so wide. Coming into realization that clients with high volume customers will not mind spending money on your service will inspire you even more. 

Produce Screen Casts’ That Stands Out

Why would someone pay you to produce something that they can do themselves apart from saving time? Make you presentations stand out by adding simple animations, motion graphics and more. 

Be Good In Writing –Know how to script tutorials

Now, some clients will ask you to script their tutorials (especially if it’s a software) after familiarizing with it. You may miss this opportunity if you have poor skills in writing and do not like writing. Even if you do not like writing, partner with a fellow freelancer who can write and negotiate extra to accommodate their service. 

Deliver With a Studio Quality Voice Over

Not all of us have good voice or speak in native English accent. But will you miss opportunity because of this? No. Think outside box. If you don’t know anyone you can contact to do voice over for you, sign up and hire a freelancer to handle this for you on sites like Upwork. 

Scale Up Your Pricing Once You Have Gained Confidence in The Market

When I started up as screen-cast video producer, I used to charge $30 for a 3 Minutes video. Since then, I have scaled up and now charge $500-1000 for same service and more advanced quality based on my experience. Busy professionals would rather pay more to someone who needs little or no supervisions once the deliverables are clearly defined. 


Like any other niche, you will grow based on your tactics and ability to bring in more value to the service for more money. It’s an art and the price is infinite. You choose how much you should charge. 

That is it from me today. 

Until next time, bye and take care. Once again, do a good job and You will be handsomely rewarded. 

If you need help to produce professional screen-cast videos, you can request a free quote here.

Follow me on all the social media networks @cheptionymutai

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