Before hiring a professional video editor to help you edit your video, have this in mind – Effective and impactful videos are simple and clean. A bunch of animations and VFX will not help anything if the video content is not clearly structured. This requires that the producer or writer spends a lot of time working on the video idea before proceeding to produce the video.

If you are a newbie client with no idea on the video production process- and intend to hire a professional video editor-hang on. With more than 7 years of experience in the video production industry, here are my top tips to help you identify the right video editor for your project.

Check The Video Assets You Have For The Video

Video assets is everything when it comes to  video editing. It will vary depending on the kind of video you want the freelancer to work on. It ranges from logo, videos, images, music and audio recordings. This will help the editor understand the kind of message you want to pass on. If it’s screen-cast videos, they will ask for access to the app or software.

Will you Need a Script or Storyboard  

Script is very important as it gives a clear direction on how the video will come out. Script can be in text or storyboard format with images/video screenshots added on it. This can be created on PowerPoint with text inserted on the notes section of the presentation. If it’s footage being edited, you will need to supply the instructions in writing of time-codes you want cut out as well as sections you want retained. This will not only save the editor time, but it will save you time that you could have spent in back a forth revision requests with the editor.

Delivery Timelines

When planning to hire a video editor, you obviously have a timeline in mind. Professional video editors will advise you otherwise if your timeline request is not reasonable or is not fitting to their schedule. Anyone who is committed to delivering quality will rather forfeit the job than take it and deliver trash. It’s therefore important to check if the editor is requesting to know delivery expectation before accepting to proceed and produce your work.

Down Payment/ Milestone Deposits on Escrow

Don’t be scared if the video editor asks that you make a milestone deposit before he/she starts working. Milestones motivates them to focus on your project besides strengthening the trust that they have for you as a client. Once you are happy to go with a video editor, hire them and deposit funds on escrow-if you are hiring them online. You can  release the money when you are happy with the final video delivery.

Links to his/her Sample Past Work

Any professional video editor will be able to show you similar work he/she has produced videos similar to what you are looking for in the past. If you are looking for a particular style of video(s), he will be in a position to provide links to related videos he/she has done in the past. This will not only speed up your hiring process as a client, but you will know how much you to expect for from the editor.

And finally, he will ask for a review when job is completed and your are happy:-).

Don’t hesitate to give him/her 5 stars for the good job on their website or Google Business page. This way, you will help him attract more awesome clients just like you! Let’s continue making internet safe haven to do business.

If you need professional help on video, you can chat and request a free quote here.

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Also, follow me on all social media @cheptionymutai

Till next time, bye bye and take care.

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