First, get this – most clients who hire freelancers remotely was once freelancers themselves. They have been on the freelancing business and they know how it works. In-fact, some are still freelancers at time of their search. 

So what does this mean? It means that they are aware of most things happening in the freelancing world. As a result, they have a clear picture of the kind of freelancer they want to hire. 

Even those clients who have little on no experience in the freelancing business, they are clever enough. They paint a clear picture (in their job brief) on the kind of freelancer they are looking for. 

So, how do you ensure that you fit into their requirements? Well here are top 5 things that they look at before hiring. 

The budget 

Every client, have a budget for any video that they want produced unless they are doing something new for the first time. So, send your quote based on their budget-don’t over quote. If you feel their budget is not enough, break down your quotation indicating the cost of the ‘add-ons.’ This way, the client will make their decision based on the value they will get.

Your proposal

First, your client will share a brief of what they want. Your response to the same is what will determine further communication with the client. Make sure you address their problem clearly and propose how you are going to solve their problem. 


Most clients have a set timeline for any of their project. If they don’t, you have to be clever enough to propose one. By having timelines, you will commit yourself to complete the project thus saving time and allowing you to work on other important activities. 


We are living in a generation where we rely a lot on e-mail communication because of many reasons one being that we live in different time-zones. That being said, you should let the client know the best time that they can chat and communicate with you either via call or e-mail for prompt response. Many clients will opt to work with a freelancer who communicates promptly. 


This is the last thing that the client will consider. So, to be on the safe side, be clear on the number of revisions you offer. Also, indicate how much you charge if the revisions exceeds the number of free revisions. You will still get the job without mentioning this last point. But just do it anyway, it might be the only thing you need to get the contract.  

Are you are client? what are some of the things that you consider before hiring a freelancer? Share it in the comments below. 

Till next time, bye and take care. 

And if you need help with video or hiring a freelancer, you can request a free quote here.  

Follow me on all the social media networks @cheptionymutai

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