Many business owners fear to approach and engage a video producer or a video production company to help them produce their marketing videos. Why? Most of them think that they are very expensive. But is that true? To some extend yes. Video production is not cheap. There are a lot of things that one needs to factor in like equipment’s, labor, administration, logistics and the frequency of the production.

What every video producer or video production company is looking at when approached by a brand or business is, the sustainability of the project. How often will you need the services of a video producer? What is your long term projection when it comes to producing video content? What is your objective?

Watch Video – When to hire a video producer

A one time video production project is more expensive than a long term contract. The producer and production company needs you to give them regular business so that they can learn more about your business and improve on their craft. Jumping from one producer to the other thinking you are saving on costs will in the end become very expensive.

With this said, its imperative to have a budget of how much you are willing to spend every week or month depending on how often you want the videos produced for your business. Before you consider a budget for a video producer, here are things you need to look at first.

Is Your Business or Brand Making Money

Video production service will come in as a new expense to your business. That is why it is important to first invest money in customer acquisition before introducing video as one of your marketing tool. In todays competitive online market space, one needs to regularly produce videos in order to rank well in search engines. It doesn’t matter how much you spend to produce the videos, the search algorithm will rank each of them differently.

Having video as one of your marketing tool will cost you money. If you don’t plan well, you will burn out along the way because the results you were expecting from the videos failed to materialize quickly.

Secondly, the capital you had set aside to facilitate video production may be depleted before you see any results. And if the producer did his job well on your idea, you will be left alone wondering what went wrong.

No producer will be happy to work with a client who always complains when they are issued with invoice. Fix your accounts first then consider approaching a producer to help.

When You Are Busy And Have No Time to Shoot Content

Most people do everything in their business. From preparing quotes, writing proposals, offering the actual services, making presentations, shooting videos, editing the videos, publishing the videos online e.t.c. That’s not a problem if you are starting up. Once you start getting clients, it is good to get a producer to help with video production.

Every step of a production needs creativity. If you do everything yourself, your creativity will be compromised especially in the production and post production stage. I mean, why would you do the shooting and editing yourself yet you can pay a video producer who specializes on the same to do the job?. Use your money to ease yourself from video production tasks so that you can focus on your business.

Again, when you are busy because your business is growing, consider approaching a producer or production company to take over the video production. At the end, everyone will enjoy.

I hope this is helpful. Video producers like myself enjoy working with progressive brands or businesses. That is why I am encouraging you to first prioritize activities that will make you money. Ask yourself, Is video necessary now? If it is necessary, then get in touch so that we can discuss on your objectives and the amount you are willing to spend.

I like when brands, businesses or companies consider video as part of their marketing strategy. When they prosper, I with my team prosper too.

Are you ready to start using video services in your business? Let me know here. I will be open to discuss your long term plan. Lets grow together.

And that it from me here. Until next time, bye bye and take care.

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